Donate to St Wendreda's

Did you know??? It costs an average of over £61,500 each year to keep St Wendreda's open as a functioning church - to be precise, that's an average of £1,185.09 in donations/income needed every single week!!

• We have to pay for specific and expensive insurance

• We also have rising energy/utility costs.

• We have to have safety and electrical equipment inspections and regular maintenance work undertaken.

• We have to pay our contribution to the cost of ministry (for our vicars) and much more...

We realise that times are difficult for us all currently, and anything that you can afford to donate to the upkeep of our church and ministry, will always be so greatly appreciated.


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A Message from Rev'd Andrew about financial giving...

"There is no denying that our lives have changed, and will continue to change. We have been through strange times, when many normal things had to evolve and we are finding ourselves having to make decisions, adjustments and compromises that most likely would never have arisen if it wasn’t for the Covid-19 pandemic.

We are acutely aware of the variety of different situations that our congregations and communities are finding themselves in following CV-19: some may have made financial savings and a new way of life, whereas others may have lost large parts of their income or have faced the risk of unemployment.

This message is written with genuine empathy towards the plethora of difficult emotions that have been experienced; anxiety, stress, isolation, bereavement and mourning, to name but a few. We as a collective Ministry Team want to continue offering pastoral and spiritual guidance to you and the wider community as we go forward - we are in this storm together and need to support one another with faith, hope and love.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your generosity, for your continuing prayers and for the support you are offer to one another. Stay in touch, take care, keep safe, continue praying and God bless."

Rev'd Andrew