Holy Communion

Every First, Third, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's Thornbury
Castle Street Thornbury Bristol, BS35 1HQ, United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion with our church choir is held most Sundays (with the exception of our all-age service days). Common Worship liturgy is used. All are welcome!

Muddy Praise

In January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's Thornbury
Castle Street Thornbury Bristol, BS35 1HQ, United Kingdom

All age service starting with a walk (weather permitting), eco-friendly craft activities, a story, and supper to finish. Really good fun for all the family - all are welcome!

Spoken Communion

Monthly. Every Fifth Sunday at for 45 mins
St Mary's Thornbury
Castle Street Thornbury Bristol, BS35 1HQ, United Kingdom

A short morning service of Communion held on those days we have benefice services together later in the day, for those who want to start their day with peace and quiet!

Dads and Kids

In January, February, March, May, June, July, September, October, November, December. Every Second Saturday at for 2 hours
St Mary's Thornbury
Castle Street Thornbury Bristol, BS35 1HQ, United Kingdom

A morning of activities and bacon butties at the church hall (near the Thornbury Health Centre). For dads/grandads and children Key Stage 1 and below.

All-age Morning Prayer

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's Thornbury
Castle Street Thornbury Bristol, BS35 1HQ, United Kingdom

A service of Morning Prayer for Sunday with hymns, songs and activities for the children, and a reflection together for the community.

Choral Evensong

In January, February, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November. Every Second Sunday at for 45 mins
St Mary's Thornbury
Castle Street Thornbury Bristol, BS35 1HQ, United Kingdom

BCP evensong accompanied by our church choir. A lovely service for either joining or just coming and listening to at the end of the day. All are welcome.

Midweek Communion

Monthly. Every Third Wednesday at for 45 mins
St Mary's Thornbury
Castle Street Thornbury Bristol, BS35 1HQ, United Kingdom

Simple spoken service of Communion with refreshments at the end. A quiet service for those who would like space in the week as part of a smaller congregation.

St Mary's Afternoon Concerts

In January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's Thornbury
Castle Street Thornbury Bristol, BS35 1HQ, United Kingdom

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new series of Sunday afternoon concerts in St Mary’s Church starting again in 2024.

They will be at 4pm on the third Sunday of the month (excluding August and December). Each concert will last approximately one hour and will be followed by refreshments. The performers will be local pianists, organists, singers and bands. Entry will be free, but there will be a retiring collection. All profits will go into the Music Fund of St Mary’s Church.