We won a National Churches Trust Award!

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St Michael's Church has won an award in The National Church Awards!

The National Churches Trust gives awards for excellence in various categories. We entered St Michael's for Excellence in Church Maintenance. There is a one prize each for Wales, Scotland, N. Ireland and England. We won the prize for England, for which there were 39 entries, and £2,500 prize money for each award!

The Revd Tim Garrett and Churchwarden Ann Jessop received the award at a special presentation on 6 November 2023, at the Mercers Hall, compered by broadcaster the Revd Canon Ann Easter and comedian Hugh Dennis.

Here Ann Jessop shares a special message:

'If you are or have been involved in the dusting, polishing, laundering, gardening, catering, working parties, restoration, churchwatching, adjusting the clock, cleaning the tower, re-ordering the church, introducing new technology, this award is about you and it recognises the value of all you do.

'If you are a previous or present member of the churchwardens' team, this is for you.

'If you have ever donated or raised funds for St Michael's, you made this possible. I have not named names here, but you know who you are.

'The Churchwarden team is guided by our surveyor and by our Diocesan Advisory Committee Secretary, who both keep us on track to make sure our Grade 1 Listed Building is maintained to the highest possible standards. Mistakes can be made through ignorance. There is always something new to learn. The fabric of this place is precious, unique and beautiful.

'This is not just an ancient building, but a place of worship for the last 800 years. We aim to hand it down to the next generation in good order, in all its glory. Every year we are maintaining and repairing the roof, the stonework, the drainage system, the heating system, the woodwork, the windows, the safety equipment, the organ, the bells, the clock, mostly to a regular schedule but occasionally as a matter of urgency.

'At the same time we remember to be accessible, open, welcoming and pioneering from this base. It is a privilege to be part of this complicated work.

'This award honours the faithful service of all our past and present churchwardens and other volunteers, warmly supported by our clergy, over the years. You know who you are.

'I am asked what is my favourite part of the church is and my reply is the Tower, of course, where the bells are! Lovely!'

Read more about the event and see more photos at: https://www.nationalchurchestrust.org/winners2023

Come along to St Michel's on Saturday 18th November - the church will be open from 10am to 6pm.

All are welcome to come along to the church as part of 'Finalists Open Day' a follow-up initiative by the National Churches Trust. During the morning, refreshments will be served at St Michael's Centre, where the Christmas Market will be taking place, and from 1pm refreshments will be available in the church.

The event also coincides with the village Christmas Lights Switch On, which is at 5.30pm and you will also be able to see a live crib scene in Church Approach, by the Churches Together team.

We look forward to welcoming you!