St James, Skillington

St James, Skillington is a 13th century building, that contains some 11th century masonry. The church has a wonderful tower, and its bells are popular with bell ringers from around the country. In 1859-1865, the Rector was a skilled mountaineer, called Charles Hudson. In 1865, he made a successful attempt to climb the Matterhorn. This heroic expedition was made without the benefits of modern equipment, and sadly, Hudson was killed on the descent. The fifth bell, and two stained glass windows, were purchased in memory of him.

The Church serves a rural population of around 300 people, and shares good relations with the Skillington Methodist Chapel. St James's has suffered, like all rural parishes, with a declining congregation. The Church still attracts good congregations for key services, at Harvest and Christmas, and enjoys local support from the Friends of St James's Group.

St James's is part of the Colsterworth Group of Churches and is currently in vacancy.

Get in touch

Rev'd Stephen Buckman

What's on

Coffee & Cake

Monthly. Every Last Thursday at for 2 hours
St James, Skillington
Park Lane Skillington Grantham, NG33 5HR, United Kingdom

Our monthly get-together with delicious home-made cake and lively conversation. Always on the last Thursday of the month from 10.00 to 12.00. Everyone is welcome.

Last Thursday of each month


Most of the time at church we are like a big happy family. However even in very happy families people can have a bad day and even people we know and trust can upset us. We want to help everyone have good days all of the time. We try to make sure that people who have jobs in the church always behave well and in a way that is helpful to you. We never want anyone or anything in church to frighten you, confuse you or worry you. It is important that you tell us if something is upsetting you or if you are feeling worried about something that’s happening or something somebody is doing. We have specially trained people who you can talk to and who you can ask for help. These people are good at safeguarding. This means they look after everyone’s safety. Caring for people is a very important part of our Christian life.
The people who can help you are the parish priest or the parish safeguarding officer. Your Parish Priest and the sageguarding officer for your parish is listed below. If you wish to speak to someone outside the church you can contact the diocesan safeguarding team – their contact details are available here. There is also information there about other places from where you can get help or advice.
Safeguading Officer:

Diocesan Safeguarding Officer