Saturday Morning Recital

for 1 hour
St Wulfram
St Wulfram, Church Street Grantham, NG31 6RR, United Kingdom

Saturday Morning Recital with Samuel Davie (Baritone).

Retiring collection.

Beer Festival

for 2 days, 10 hours
St Wulfram
Church Street Grantham, NG31 6RR, United Kingdom

St Wulfram’s and Grantham CAMRA Beer Festival Thursday 26 to Saturday 26 September - open 12:00noon to 11:00pm Thursday and Friday. 12:00noon to 10:00pm Saturday.

Cask ales, live keg beers, ciders, mead, cocktails and even a selection of alcohol free drinks! Entertainment will be on each evening. Hot food available too.

Get your tickets to this year’s Land of Hops and Glory festival today! This year we are introducing advanced tickets* and they are now on sale!

Not able to commit to coming just yet? Don't worry, you'll still be able to get tickets on the door.

Click on the MORE INFO button below for further details and to book your advance tickets.

*Advanced tickets are for entry only. This year's glass and tokens will be available for purchase at the festival.

Home Grown and Blooming Local

for 2 days, 6 hours
St Wulfram
Church Street Grantham, NG31 6RR, United Kingdom

From the Friday 4 to Sunday 6 of October St Wulfram's will be hosting its first Home Grown & Blooming Local festival. Celebrating flowers and produce grown at home and the local area.

The UK floral industry is a 1.4 billion pound industry, and approximately 86% of the cut flowers are imported from outside of the British isles.

Almost one-third of the global carbon footprint comes from the global food network. Food miles, account for around 19% of those emissions.

Eating food and enjoying flowers that have been grown close to our homes can therefore make us more climate-friendly.
Local groups will be showcasing displays of flowers and foliage, vegetables and fruit grown within a 10 to 15mile radius of Grantham. Demonstrating the beauty of what can be grown in our area.

On Friday and Saturday 10:00am to 12:00noon you are invited to bring in your own home grown flowers and foliage, and help us decorate the Church ready for our Harvest Festival on Sunday.

We will also be hosting a produce competition of Vegetables, Fruit and Jams. If you would like to enter something into the produce festival, please follow the link below.

Equally for the younger members of the family we have a Mini-Cress garden competition for Key Stage 2 children.
The festival is open on Friday and Saturday 10:00am to 4:00pm and Sunday 12:30pm to 4:00pm. There will be a prize-giving ceremony on Sunday at 3:00pm. Our coffee shop will be open for refreshments and cakes. Entry to the festival is free.
We hope to highlight more details on the environmental impact of food and flower miles, and will be asking all our competitors if they would like to donate their produce to groups in Grantham that help combat food poverty.

We hope you can support the festival and look forward to seeing you.

Saturday Morning Recital

for 1 hour
St Wulfram
St Wulfram, Church Street Grantham, NG31 6RR, United Kingdom

Saturday Morning Recital with The Bridge Singers.

Retiring collection.

Saturday Morning Recital

for 1 hour
St Wulfram
St Wulfram, Church Street Grantham, NG31 6RR, United Kingdom

Saturday Morning Recital with Martin Ennis (organ) - to be confirmed.

Retiring collection.

Christmas Tree Festival 27 November to 1 December

for 3 days, 22 hours
St Wulfram
Church Street Grantham, NG31 6RR, United Kingdom

Our Christmas Tree Festival returns again this year.

More details about how to enter your tree into the festival and booking details for the skating will be available soon.

Lights of Love Service

for 1 hour
St Wulfram
Church Street Grantham, NG31 6RR, United Kingdom

As the world readies itself for the great joy of Christmas celebrations and festivities in the coming days, there will for many of us for whom this will also be a time when we are acutely aware of our loved ones who have died; those we have celebrated Christmas with in the past and who are no longer with us.

We step away from the busyness of this time of year, to pause and to remember those we love but see no longer.

In this service of carols and prayers, we light candles in memory of those who have died.

Saturday Morning Recital

for 1 hour
St Wulfram
St Wulfram, Church Street Grantham, NG31 6RR, United Kingdom

Saturday Morning Recital with the InVoice Singers.

Retiring collection.