05. Rector's Newsletter

Rector's letter for October 2024

"The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms." – Deuteronomy 33:27

One of the most precious moments in any parent’s life is witnessing their child take those first wobbly steps. It’s a moment filled with hope and excitement, as the child ventures into a new stage of life. While walking is instinctive for most, those early steps are often made with the outstretched arms of a loving parent nearby, ready to catch them. That simple assurance—that someone is there, ready to keep them safe—gives the child the courage to try, to take another step, even after a fall. And as they grow, those outstretched arms remain. Whether it's their first day at school, their first sports match, or even the challenges of adult life, the knowledge that someone loves them and will catch them if they fall makes all the difference.

In many ways, this is a picture of our relationship with God. His love is like that of a perfect parent—always present, always watching, with arms outstretched, ready to catch us when we stumble. He is there to comfort us in our pain, reassure us in our fears, and pick us up when life knocks us down. Whether we experience moments of success or seasons of hardship, God’s arms never fail. Even in death, those everlasting arms carry us into the fullness of eternal life.

God’s love is not distant or conditional. He is actively present, carrying and supporting us, just like a parent. Whether we recognize it or not, we are always secure in His everlasting arms—strong, faithful, and never failing.

So whatever step you take next in life, know that He is there, ready to catch you and carry you forward.

With every blessing this October,

Revd Paul

The Revd Paul Wilson

Rector of the Epworth Group of Churches

Priest-in-Charge of the Belton Group of Churches

Assistant Curate of the Crowle Group of Churches and the Haxey and Owston Ferry Plurality

Rural Dean of the Isle of Axholme Deanery