On Sunday the 19th of May, it was announced that the Rev. Sally Clifton will become the Priest in Charge (Incumbent Designate) for the Woodhall Spa and Bain Valley Groups.Sally will be licensed at 7pm on Tuesday the 6th of August at St. Peter's Church in Woodhall Spa, led by the Bishop of Grimsby and Archdeacon of Lincoln, the Hon. Gavin Kirk.Sally will be based in the Vicarage at Coningsby and serve the now wider, merged groups of Woodhall Spa and the Bain Valley.The Bishop of Lincoln announces Priest in Charge (Incumbent Designate) of The Woodhall Spa and Bain Valley Groups - Lincoln Diocese (anglican.org)
Our aim at St. Margaret's Church is to keep our church open to the community and provide a range of services and events to bring our community together. Our church, like so many others, is in need of ongoing maintenance, something which often comes at a significant price. We receive no funds from the Church of England or Diocese of Lincoln so for many decades, our church has had to support itself. We rely on donations to keep our building upright and our doors open.If you would like to help us, you can now make a donation online. This is totally secure, and provided by a Church of England approved website. You can also Gift Aid your donation if you are a UK tax payer.Simply click HERE to visit the site to make a donation. You can select any of the amounts, or choose your own amount. Thank you for your support, we really do appreciate it.Andrew Price & David FormanChurchwardens
St. Margaret's Church needs a new roof but our funds are currently low after some recent urgent stonework repairs. Whilst we are starting to look at grant funding, there are still project costs required, and some grant providers request that the church provides 50% of the total cost. We would be very grateful if you could help us by making a donation. You can make one online, totally secure, by visiting the Church of England recommended Give A Little website - you can access it by clicking here.Thank you.Churchwardens Andrew and David