CHRISTINGLE SERVICE  - 'A LIght for the World' with an orange for everyone. People are invited to bring along a wrapped child's present (labelled Age/gender) which will be given to the Salvation Army for needy children. 

Sunday 1st December 3.30 - All Saints, Wragby. 

Followed at 4.30 by dedication of the community Christmas Tree, turning on of the lights, carol singing and refeshments. Wragby Market Place.</span>

CRIB SERVICE by Candlelight - 

CHRISTMAS EVE  4pm All Saints, Wragby

with Donkey, Carols and short Nativity Play

All the children who wish to can join in the Nativity Play. There are enough outfits for everyone. Just come along a few minutes before the start of the service.

You may like to take a straw from the church Christmas-tree to put on your tree at home.

A memorable way to begin Christmas in the church lit by candles.


Midnight Service of Holy Communion

by Candlelight

11.15pm – Christmas Eve

All Saints, Wragby