11am Congregation

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Philemon's, Toxteth
78 Admiral St Toxteth Liverpool, L8 8BR, United Kingdom

At our morning service we have a complete range of ages coming. We run special groups for our children and young people, who leave us part way through the service and join us again at the end.

You can join us on Zoom (zoom.us/j/579050803) or watch the stream on YouTube.

Farsi Congregation

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Philemon's, Toxteth
78 Admiral St Toxteth Liverpool, L8 8BR, United Kingdom

What to expect?
We keep things simple and informal. People wear anything from T-shirts to suits. No-one has to say or do anything that might embarrass them. You are welcome to bring kids of any age and it doesn't matter if they make noise. Services normally run for an hour, and here is how we typically spend that time:

We share news
We sing together
We confess our sins
The Bible is read aloud and preached
Someone leads us in prayer
People might be baptised or we might share the Lord's Supper
We interview people

Half4 Congregation

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Philemon's, Toxteth
78 Admiral St Toxteth Liverpool, L8 8BR, United Kingdom

A relaxed service with all kinds of Toxteth people involved. Great for people who are brand new to church or who have been coming for decades.

Friendship, discussion, singing, prayers and Bible talks. With groups for kids and a creche (noisy kids are very welcome!).

Come 15 minutes early to grab a cuppa and stay afterwards for a family tea (sadly, we can't do the drinks or the food at the moment because of Covid).

Life Groups

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Various locations
Various locations, Contact us for more details. You'd be very welcome.

Life Groups are communities of 6-12 people meeting most weeks in homes and locations around Toxteth, and more recently on Zoom.

Life Groups are about friendships that help us follow Jesus. When we meet, Jesus speaks through the Bible to help us. But our groups are much more than Bible studies. They're places where we connect the good news of Jesus to each other's lives and put that gospel into practice together. That makes them ideal both for people already following Jesus and for people who want to know what following Jesus would mean for them.

Each group has its own personality – shaped by its members – but all have trained leaders who receive ongoing support and oversight. Therefore these groups are at the heart of our church’s pastoral care.

There is also one at 2pm on Mondays

Exploring Christianity

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Philemon's, Toxteth
78 Admiral St Toxteth Liverpool, L8 8BR, United Kingdom

Want to live life to the full?

Whoever you are, whatever you are thinking, we often put on groups to discover the greatest gift in the universe.

Get in touch to find out when the next one is happening.

Parents and Carers

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 25 mins
St Philemon's, Toxteth
78 Admiral St Toxteth Liverpool, L8 8BR, United Kingdom

If you're looking after little children during the day time, you're really welcome at Mini Phillies, our free 'stay and play' group. We have toys, singing, snacks and craft for the little ones, and sofas, hot drinks, and adult company for you

During Term-Time