We have no arrival dates yet, but they will be living in St James’ vicarage. They are really looking forward to moving to Birkdale, getting to know us & discovering what God has in store for the churches and the area. Before Sam was interviewed, he and Leah had a quick tour of St Peter’s church and parish centre. They both commented on the special atmosphere in the church and Leah was delighted to see how child-friendly it is. They both felt at home here. Please keep Sam and his family in your prayers as they move from Shrewsbury to join us. Robin Rootes and Wendy Hinds - your Parish RepsWe received notification from the diocese that Rev Samuel Johnson’s institution has been scheduled for 4.00pm on Sunday, 10th September. Please keep this date free if you can and we will let you have more information when available. Richard and Pam James - Church Wardens