
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

NE HUB Parish
07759 252501

Getting here

We try to be a welcoming church with a relaxed atmosphere, worshipping the Lord God as best we can. We aim to make everyone feel at home. There are refreshments after the 11am main Sunday service which help us to get to know one another and we feel that we are family together. We hold other services at 8am every other week and every Thursday at 11am. We have a Sunday School for little ones - Lighthouse - in church on the first and third Sunday of the month during the main Sunday service at 11am. During term time we hold Messy Church in our Church Hall and you are more than welcome to arrange a visit to see how this works. We have recently had major renovation work done to our roof and this has also included the complete cleaning and restoration of our Rose Window and a new heating system which means our church is now warm!  If you want more details about our church please visit our website at


Bolton Road

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