Evening Prayer
- Occurring
- Every day at for 30 mins
- Venue
- St Michael's Elmwood Road
- Address Elmwood Road Chiswick, W4 3DY, United Kingdom
Make a habit of ending the day with prayer. Join us online for Daily Prayer, 6-6.30am on Mondays to Saturdays. This comprises reading a Psalm, a passage from the Old Testament and a passage from the New Testament and reflecting on these together. Then we have a few minutes of open prayer.
Download the Daily Prayer App on your phone and join us via this link:
Until Saturday 28 September https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83390268773?pwd=djJjT0hBa3pkZWRyaTczM0NoSWtnUT09
From Saturday 28 September the link will be:
Evening Prayer
Every day at 6 p.m. for 30 mins
Evening Prayer
Every day at 6 p.m. for 30 mins