
During Covid-19 conditions, we are only able to offer times when the church is open for private prayer on Tuesday (10am to 1pm) and Thursdays (1pm to 4pm)

Getting here

St. Mary's is a lively and welcoming Anglican Church in West London made up of a diverse mixture of peoples of all ages.

The main 10.30am Sunday morning service style is a creative blend of traditional and modern. In addition, a wide range of worship takes place at St. Mary's from alternative worship service 'grace', through Taize, a more contemplative service to BCP HC.  On Sunday mornings there are children's groups for all the main age ranges.

For more details visit our web site:

The Victorian church building of St. Mary's was completely refurbished in 2003 and is warm, vibrant and attractive.

St. Mary's Rd
W5 5RH

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