Facilities and features
Modern Easily Accessible Ladies & Men's Facilities
Changing table available in toilets
Large car park at side of church
Car parking on main road or large car park. Good paths to church and ramp entrance to side door.
Available outside church hall
On the West Side of the Building
Full loop system installed
Large print Hymm books available
Our Building
Bronze standard Church
Grade 2 listed housing Pilkington Memorial Window
Music and Worship
Brass Band concert every Christmas
Organ recitals on occasion
Electronic organ
Groups, Courses and Activities
Good News Group Wednesdays 10am in the Clifton Neighbourhood Centre.
Bibble studay on Wednesday evenings in Clifton Neighbourhood Centre every 2 weeks. 7.30pm.
Help for Visitors
See a Warden for the code
Other Features
Based at St Thomas' Church Clifton Green
Hearing Loop
Neighbourhood Center next to Church.
Contact Sue Speakman 07807933037