
St Martin's is part of the Wythenshawe Team. Full details of our Safeguarding policies and contact details are included on our main website and below.

Team Safeguarding Group

Each parish within the Team has its own parish safeguarding officer (PSO) who work together as a group across the whole Team.

The Safeguarding Lead for the Wythenshawe Team is Abby Ogier (0776 965 7931)

The Diocesan Safeguarding Officer is Abbey Clephane-Wilson (0161 828 1451).

Our Safeguarding and associated policy documents are displayed in each church and are also available from each of our churches. They are those provided by the Diocese of Manchester and are downloadable here:

The Diocesan Safeguarding Policy can be found here.

The Parish Safeguarding Handbook can be found here.

Below you can read the Safe Church Policy which has been adopted by each of the PCCs that make up the Wythenshawe Team.

A Safe Church Policy

As a church community, we are committed to:

The care, nurture of and respectful pastoral ministry with all children and adults The safeguarding and protection of all children and adults The establishment of safe, caring communities which provide a loving environment, where there is a culture of ‘Informed vigilance’ regarding the dangers of abuse, which:

For children and young people

values them for who they are, and nurtures their positive development

enables them to participate fully and contribute to their church community

protects them from actual or potential harm

For adults who may be vulnerable, including those suffering domestic abuse

ensures that all people feel welcomed, respected and safe from abuse

encourages those who may be vulnerable

- to lead as independent a life as possible,

- to choose how to lead their life, and

- to be active contributors to the church community

protects those who may be vulnerable from actual or potential harm

For all people

enables and encourages concerns to be raised and responded to openly and consistently

offers support and care for those suffering, or who have suffered, from any form of abuse

promotes respect, and the value of each person as a child of God

We are therefore committed to best practice according to the national policies and guidelines of the Church of England, in the protection of children and vulnerable people; in the recruitment, training and supervision of all who exercise a pastoral ministry; and in responding to any allegations or complaints. This policy is reviewed each year by the Parochial Church Councils of our Team and re-affirmed at the Annual Meeting.

Because we understand that:

God has a special care for those who struggle

All of us at different periods of our lives are vulnerable and in need of help

We can make a difference