Our Church Finances and need for support

As a parish church, we do not receive any money at all from the government. Neither do we have help from the C of E as such. Rather, we need to pay what is called “the Parish Share”, to the Diocese of Manchester to support the cost of mission and ministry here and in more deprived parishes. Parish Share is used to pay for clergy, house and maintain the Vicarages, and also things like the Diocese of Manchester's work with our Church Schools, Safeguarding and HR. In 2023 we managed to pay our Parish Share on time and in full, but only by dipping into money earmarked for our re-ordering project. The good news is that paying in full makes us entitled to grant funding, but we cannot afford to do that again this year. This year, we are being asked for nearly £38k, and need to raise that in addition to all our other cost.  Just to insure the building, costs nearly £7k.

All in all, we need to raise c£58,000 this year just to pay our bills.

Giving leaflet, PAGES
