St Katharine's awarded Bronze for Eco Church work

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Plans for the future include providing external recycling facilities. This is an extension of the scheme that already exists in church to recycle potato crisp products, dishwasher products, dental products and pet food pouches. A storage unit accessible from the car park adjacent to church will house 6 boxes for these items and give accessibility when church is closed. And to provide a wildlife haven and well being space in an unused corner of the churchyard. 2 benches, 2 planters and 2 ‘pond in pots’ will be positioned in the corner of the churchyard on the north side. Water butts and bird boxes will also be added.

We are keen to develop links in the village and work collaboratively with anyone else to promote awareness and sustainability and improve facilities in the village wherever there may be an opportunity. Do please get in touch if you have any ideas we can work on together.