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Getting here

Please note this is NOT our web site. Our own web site is: . You will find more up to date information there. We see this as a web site with general information on it.


We see ourselves as a family oriented informal evangelical Bible based church for all occasions. This is an exciting time for us as we seek God's vision for the future.
We have a church plant called The Sports Village Church, which has now been running for 5 years.

We are also supporting Christians Against Poverty (CAP)
What can we do for you? The list is endless, but here are a few things

Mums and Toddlers
We have 2 Mums and Toddlers groups, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. It is a great time to talk and gain help and share experiences whilst allowing the young children to play and learn together.
If you want to know more contact Judith or Jackie.

Tiny Church
A short service in church, play and a snack for under 5s and their parents or carers. It’s just like church, only smaller and there’s lots of fun.
If you want to know more contact Vicky

Little Jems
For School years 1 to 3 this group helps those children at the beginning of their school lives to learn more about one another, about their world and about their God.
If you want to know more contact Lesley.

Whizz Kids
For school years 4 to 7 this energetic group is always active both inside and outside; with water slides in the summer and warm food in the winter. It has over 50 on the books and plays games, has craft as well as computer games and learning about Jesus. An all round great time!
If you want to know more contact Chris.

11-14 year olds.
For Secondary school young people (11 to 14); this group takes Whizz Kids into a more mature and considered place. It is now meeting in a home on a monthly basis. Contact Heather

Mother’s Union
This famous organisation has been part of CCP for many years and still attracts ladies to it. They have speakers, as well as chat and fellowship.
If you want to know more contact Pam

Men’s Fellowship
This is a similar organisation to the Mothers Union, but catering for the gentlemen. If you want to know more contact  Andrew or Dave.

Life Groups
We have 12 small group cells that meet weekly around 'The Triangle' of IN-UP-OUT. They support care for for one another (IN); prayer and study the Bible (UP); and seek to be a witness to those who live in the parish (OUT).
If you want to know more contact Alan.

As you can see our church activities cover every aspect of life and we are pleased that so many people feel Christ Church is their ‘spiritual home’.

Ring our church office number:
01942 609987 and ask for the contact person.

Schofield Street

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