
What is it and what are the arrangements?

Communion is the part of the service where 'bread and wine' is shared with the congregation. Our Team churches use gluten-free wafers. Wine is shared from a chalice, known as 'the common cup':  those receiving communion sip wine from the chalice.

- use of the Common Cup during communion has been reintroduced[post covid] for those who would like to receive communion in this way. However, two chalices are used - one as the 'common cup' and the second to be used to intinct the host [dip in the wine] for administration in both kinds to the communicant.

- our view is that we should enable people to make an informed choice regarding the common cup, hence the above approach. For some it 'feels right' to be returning to the common cup and for others it does not yet 'feel right'. Both positions are positions of integrity and need to be respected.

The above measures are consistent with the Church of England guidance issued and we will continue to review it. Please help us continue to keep you and us safe.

The Ministry Team