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St Anthony's Safeguarding Policy is reviewed yearly and is included below. For Safeguarding issues or enquiries our Safeguarding Officer is Mr David Johnson:  [email protected]   tel. 07591022487. For the DIocesan Safeguarding link and more information on Safeguarding, please clink on the link at the bottom of the opening website page.

Safeguarding Policy on Work with Young People and Children

St Anthony’s – Reviewed March 2019

Mission Initiative Newcastle East (MINE) and the Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) of the member Churches hereby adopt the following policy for work with children and young people (YP) for the protection of children, YP, their parents/guardians, leaders, helpers, the PCCs and MINE. MINE and the PCCs commit themselves:

1. We will provide as safe and welcoming an environment as possible for children and YP who take part in the life of the churches.

2. The Clergy, PCCs, and Youth Worker, in consultation with (where they exist) Responsible Caring Groups (RCGs), will appoint all volunteers working with YP and children according to the MINE Youth safer recruitment process and determine whether or not youth and children’s work is an appropriate use of their gifts and skills.

3. The PCCs and Youth Worker are responsible for obtaining and maintaining Personal Disclosure and Reference Form records of all leaders and occasional helpers who have access to children and YP. They are also responsible for maintaining children and YP’s records of information, permission forms or any health and parent consent forms.

4. The PCCs, in cooperation with RCGs, Priests in Charge, Wardens and the Youth Worker, are responsible for ensuring that Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks are made for all who have responsibility for children and VA, in accordance with diocesan policy.

5. To acknowledge that being convicted, cautioned or bound over for a criminal offence does not automatically debar an individual from working with children or YP.

6. To support, resource and monitor the work of leaders, especially through a regular meeting that will involve all workers with children and YP., including providing and encouraging training in safeguarding matters.

7. To publicly acknowledge the work of leaders, including services of commissioning.

8. To consult regularly with our children and YP about the way they perceive their needs.

9. To authorise children and youth programmes and activities carried out on behalf of the PCC. This will operate on a parish basis, whereby each PCC is responsible for authorising programmes operating within their parish.

10. To appoint a local independent person for each parish who can be contacted on Safeguarding concerns or issues and to ensure that their name is available to children, leaders and church members. The Diocesan Safeguarding Officer Ruth Rogan (details below) is willing to be contacted in any instance and for any parish or MINE.

11. To ensure full compliance with Health and Safety guidelines.

12. To maintain a record of all those authorised to do children or YP’s work on behalf of MINE and to review this list annually.

Local Independent Persons:

St Anthony’s and for any parish:

Ruth Rogan

Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser

07825 167 016

[email protected]