Covid 19

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Diocese of Newcastle and all vicars with church wardens preparing current advice for sharing as soon as possible.

Dear friends,

Sadly, because of the Coronavirus pandemic we cannot meet together for worship in Church for the foreseeable future. That in itself feels terribly unsettling. Many people are anxious and even fearful of what is going to happen as this terrible situation continues to unfold. We don’t know, we can’t plan, plans we had have had to be postponed. Everything is changing! But, NOTHING CHANGES. We are still God’s children, bound together with him and each other in love and service. Yes, we will be doing Church differently. But our being remains the same. Nothing can separate us from God’s love.

Over the next weeks Rev Ian and I will be continuing our priestly duty and joy of Morning and Evening prayer, for you, our communities and for the world. We invite you to join us at home. We. Are distributing a prayer booklet to use. It would be great to know that you are praying with us and with Christians the world over. We will produce other resources as the weeks roll on, especially as we come up to Holy Week and Easter.

We will also keep in touch by telephone, e mail, A Church Near You, and Facebook. Please do not hesitate to contact either of us if there is anything we can do to help.

Rev Alison 01665 571314 / 07503 942011 [email protected]

Rev Ian 07831 772562 [email protected]

Facebook: our page is Holy Trinity Church, Embleton

Other pages you might LIKE: Archbishop of Canterbury, Thy Kingdom Come,

Diocese of Newcastle Wellbeing Wisdom, Diocese of Newcastle,

Presiding Bishop Michael B Curry (Episcopal church of the USA)

A Church Near You:

The Church of England: Lots of information, devotional resources and ideas.

Pray for us as we pray for you.

Yours in Christ

Rev Alison and Rev Ian