St Giles Netherwitton


Safeguarding Officer and Church Warden for St. Giles contact details:

Valerie Windle 01670 772352 [email protected]

Priest in Charge - Revd Elaine Jones 07521 106158

Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor - Ruth Rogan 07825 161016

If you have any concerns regarding Safeguarding please contact any of the above people. The link to the Diocesan web site is follow the links to Safeguarding. 

On the web site you may find the following information useful 'Reporting Abuse and Finding Support' and 'You will be listened to'.

On the church notice board you will find useful contact details and what you can expect from us, and also contact numbers of organisations outside the church. Inside the church there is a Safeguarding file (beside the hymn books) which contains more detailed information.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Safeguarding Officer if you have any concerns.

Valerie Windle on behalf of St. Giles PCC.