Trumpet Concert

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A packed sold out house listened to the internationally acclaimed trumpet soloist Crispian Steele-Perkins accompanied by Ian LeGrice on the organ.

Crispian’s CV is impressive and he started playing the trumpet at the age of 10 and, after training at the Guildhall School of Music in London, he became a member of the English National Opera, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and the English Chamber Orchestra. He is renowned for the quality of his performances and his wide ranging musical experience.

He collects and restores antique trumpets upon which he has performed with the Kings Consorts, The English Baroque Soloists to name but a few. His presentation on Friday took us from the early beginnings of the horn, through to demonstrations of various brass tubings and sliders, and he no less made music through a hosepipe! He played a succession of antique and Baroque trumpets, describing to the audience the evolution of each and the composers of the time and how they related to each of the instruments.

The return to seats from the interval was expertly commanded by the hunting horn rally and everyone eagerly took their place for the next instalment. Crispian boldly said, ‘I won’t need to play much more of this tune for you to recognise it...’. In fact it was the tune to the Antiques Roadshow...

He was ably accompanied by Ian LeGrice, whose organ playing gave a lofty air to the wonderful church organ which is over 100 years old. His career embraces all aspects of organ playing. He has held teaching posts at the Royal College of Music, Trinity College of Music and the University of Reading.

In summary, it was a splendid evening, with over £1100 being raised for Hounds for Heroes, this being a local charity in Ramsdean, our neighbouring village.