Welcome service for the Revd Antony Forrest

The Welcome Service for The Revd Antony Forrest to the Parishes of Langrish, East Meon, West Meon and Warnford was held in All Saints’ Church, East Meon on the evening of Wednesday, 21 st of February. The service was taken by The Rt Revd Dr Jonathan Frost, Bishop of Portsmouth. Tony was well supported by many clergy from the Diocese as well as family and friends, representatives from his previous Benefice and, of course, many members of the congregation of our own Parishes. 

The congregation amounted to approx. 220 people so the church was packed to bursting. There were gorgeous flower decorations arranged by residents of East Meon and glorious singing was provided by East Meon and Langrish Choir, ably assistant by the choir from Tony’s previous Meon Bridge Parish.

A reception was held in East Meon Village hall after the service, where members from across the Benefice had produced wonderful food and the East Meon Barmen and catering volunteers did an excellent job. A BIG thank you to all our volunteers who helped in the church, with flowers, the bell ringers, on parking duty and many other tasks and important roles which accumulated in a really special evening. This was all done in very testing weather conditions.

It was a great celebration at the start of Tony’s time with us, and we look forward to the days and years ahead of having Tony as our priest.