
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

(01892) 327734
Mike Warren, Vicar
01892 530384

Getting here

At St Peter's, we recognise that we're all needy, but we know that in Christ and with the help of his Spirit, word and people we have all we need to grow into the people God calls us to become.

St Peter's is a growing and developing evangelical Anglican church. We aim to promote the good news of Jesus Christ by what we say and do. We're a vibrant church of all ages and backgrounds; children's work is thriving, ministry amongst young people is growing, and we don't neglect adults! We offer a warm welcome to everyone, we learn together from the Bible, build strong friendships with one another and work closely with our mission partners to proclaim the gospel further afield.

Bayhall Road
Tunbridge Wells

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