Bolsterstone St Mary

The Parish Church of Bolsterstone in the Cornerstone Benefice

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Get in touch

Revd Melanie Fitzgerald (main contact person during our vacancy)

Retired Priest

Our website

What's on

Coffee, Cake, Soup, Rolls, Chat & Prayer - Wednesdays 10.00 am - 1.00 pm

Every Wednesday at for 3 hours
Bolsterstone St Mary
The Village Square Bolsterstone Sheffield, S36 3ZB, United Kingdom

Do drop in on WEDNESDAY morning between 10.00 am - 1.00 pm for a cuppa. A chance to chat with others, have a light lunch and if you wish to spend a few moments in private prayer at one of our simple prayer stations

We are currently without a Vicar/Oversight Minister following the retirement of Revd Hilda Isaacson but the search for a replacement is well under way.
