
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Liz Smith (Centre Administrator)
(01302) 538487

Getting here

Welcome to St.Francis Church, West Bessacarr!

We are an Anglican Church located at Nostell Place, right in the heart of West Bessacarr.


To be a growing and loving Church family through which God transforms lives and builds community

We seek to be a growing church because we love what Jesus has done in our lives and we want others to know it too!   We seek to be a loving Church because God has loved us so much we want to love others and treat them well! We seek to be a place of transformation because we love seeing what happens in people’s lives when we invite God’s Spirit to be at work.  And we love to build community because when we have a strong, open and loving community everyone gains.

What's happening at St Francis Church?


People are different and so have different tastes and needs at StFrancis Church we seek to offer a rich variety of services for people to worship
Like it lively and contemporary?  Try our weekly 10:30 service on Sunday morning where we sing mostly modern songs, lively kids groups. We have a relaxed informal style with relevant teaching from the Bible which applies faith to our everyday lives.

Like it quieter more contemplative or traditional?Try our weekly 8:30am book of Common Prayer service, our 1st Sunday Communion at 6pm or our weekly Wednesday morning communion service

          Want to go deeper?           Its as easy as 1,2,3!

Try joining one of our Growth Groups where small groups of up to 15 people meet up support one another and go deeper in all aspects of faith. Try an evening course about faith or come along to Morning Prayer where we apply the Bible read 3 sections of the Bible and apply them to our lives before praying for our community Come along to Closer Services (3rd [email protected]) where we have extended worship, times listening to God and times of deep encounter with God or come along to Refresh and Renew which takes place on other Sundays at 8pm

Children and families
We want children and families to feel at home St Francis Church and love having them out at 10:30 service where we spend part of the service all together and part of the service with the children and youth in age specific groups.
We also have a weekly toddler group and a fortnightly event called Integrate where children and their parents can relax, play games and sports, do crafts,  join together to learn a little about life and faith before  finishing with a meal. We also love doing regular fun events for families such as pancake parties and Christmas and Easter fun mornings

Youth and young adults
We want to be a relevant church for people of all ages and we love having you and Young adults at our 10:30 service, we also have to be in specific services for them on a Sunday evening and in specialised growth groups, teenagers are also welcome to try Fuse's a youth cafe every Tuesday evening between 7 and 8.30pm

Older people
We value people of all ages and we have some specific activities designed for older people. The most popular is a monthly event in the café called Meet and Eat.  People love being served a cooked meal and pudding followed by activities such as quizzes, old time music, indoor bowling and curling. We have also introduced a short service just before Meet and Eat where we apply faith to specifically address issues relevant to older people. There is also a new group called Chit Chat every 3rd Monday at 1.30pm where the aim is to provide a place for talking and listening and break down social isolation.

Singles and Couples

We have loads happening for singles and couples of all ages including community meals, discipleship courses and Growth Groups check out our website for more details.

Cafe Theo
This is a cafe run by the church for the community. Café Theo’s main purpose is to provide a place with a great atmosphere where people can meet up with old friends or make new friends whilst enjoying quality food and drinks at reasonable prices.  Café Theo is currently open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays between 10 am and 2pm.

Our Building

Our building is an excellent flexible and functional space which is heavily used by the Church and by community groups. If you wish to book some space please contact the office.

Want to find out more? 


 Email: [email protected]


 Facebook: St Francis Church West Bessacarr 

Phone: 01302 538487

 Come along and try it!



Nostell Place
West Bessacarr

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