
Safeguarding Policy for Children (and Vulnerable Adults)

For the parish of St Peter’s, Askern

Statement of aims for young people (and vulnerable adults)

Our aims are to:

1. Help young people in their Christian discipleship through a programme of learning and thereby to deepen their Christian faith

2. Enable young people and vulnerable adults to experience the love of God

3. Encourage a strong Christian fellowship for all, including young people and vulnerable adults

4. Help young people and vulnerable adults to realise their full potential physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually

5. Encourage young people and vulnerable adults to take full part in the Church’s life and worship

6. Encourage young people to become responsible adults.

7. Provide indoor and outdoor leisure activities for young people

8. Promote equality of opportunity for all.

This document covers the work of St Peter’s, Askern with children and young people (and vulnerable adults), in its services, groups meeting during the week and regular activities in local schools.

Currently these groups and activities are:

i. Sunday School – term-time, ages 3-11, during 10.30 service each Sunday

ii. Messy Church children’s activities – monthly located at St Peter’s Church and Community Hall.

iii. Messy Christingle once a year in each of the 3 local primary schools.

iv. Occasional visits from schools to the church buildings, including Christmas and other services/concerts.

This policy also covers any other work undertaken outside of the church buildings carried out under the auspices of the PCC.

Any group hiring or using church premises, including the hall, will be required to either adopt the policy statement and application of the policy (as detailed below) or have an equivalent safeguarding policy in place as a condition of their use of the premises.

Policy Statement

This PCC adopts the policy statement and guidelines of the diocese and will display the policy prominently in all church premises. Should the diocesan policy and/or guidelines be updated, it will immediately (without waiting for review by PCC) take precedence over any statements in this policy. The PCC expects all church workers to follow its safeguarding policy.

Application of the policy

All new workers, whether paid or voluntary, will be informed of the policy by the vicar, the safeguarding officer or the group leader, and will be expected to accept the policy and guidelines and work according to their requirements. All new members of the PCC will be required to accept the policy and guidelines. The policy will be placed on the agenda of the PCC at least annually for review. The PCC will appoint a Safeguarding Children’s Officer/Safe Church Representative, who will report to the PCC on safeguarding at each PCC meeting.

The Safeguarding Children’s Officer/Safe Church Representative for St Peter’s, Askern is: Stella Mathers

The PCC will follow the recruitment process included in the Diocesan safeguarding policies, and has signed up to the online DBS system provided by CCPAS. Appointments to any post, paid or voluntary, will not be made until these processes are complete.

All groups will keep a register of those attending, where practicable to do so. This must be done whenever children are left unaccompanied by a responsible adult for any period of time. Parental consent forms, including emergency contact details, must be completed for all participants.

All those working with children and young people (and vulnerable adults) will follow the good practice guidelines in the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy and Guidelines, and should familiarise themselves with these on a regular basis.

The PCC will ensure that there is adequate insurance cover for all activities for children and young people (and vulnerable adults).

The parish has also adopted the attached policy for responding to Domestic Abuse (Appendix A)

A copy of this policy will be sent to the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser.

Last updated at PCC on 8/11/22

Appendix A

Policy for Responding to Domestic Abuse

All forms of domestic abuse are wrong and must stop. We are committed to promoting and supporting environments which:

• ensure that all people feel welcomed, respected and safe from abuse;

• protect those vulnerable to domestic abuse from actual or potential harm;

• recognise equality amongst people and within relationships;

• enable and encourage concerns to be raised and responded to appropriately and consistently.

We recognise that:

• all forms of domestic abuse cause damage to the survivor and express an imbalance of power in the relationship;

• all survivors (regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity) have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse;

• domestic abuse can occur in all communities;

• domestic abuse may be a single incident, but is usually a systematic, repeated pattern which escalates in severity and frequency;

• domestic abuse, if witnessed or overheard by a child, is a form of abuse by the perpetrator of the abusive behaviour;

• working in partnership with children, adults and other agencies is essential in promoting the welfare of any child or adult suffering abuse.

We will endeavour to respond to domestic abuse by:

In all our activities –

• valuing, listening to and respecting both survivors and alleged or known perpetrators of domestic abuse.

In our publicity –

• raising awareness about other agencies, support services, resources and expertise, through providing information in public and women-only areas of relevance to survivors, children and alleged or known perpetrators of domestic abuse.

When concerns are raised –

• ensuring that those who have experienced abuse can find safety and informed help;

• working with the appropriate statutory bodies during an investigation into domestic abuse, including when allegations are made against a member of the church community.

In our care –

• ensuring that informed and appropriate pastoral care is offered to any child, young person or adult who has suffered abuse;

• identifying and outlining the appropriate relationship of those with pastoral care responsibilities with both survivors and alleged or known perpetrators of domestic abuse.

If you have any concerns or need to talk to any one please contact the Parish Safeguarding Officer.