Facilities and features


No accessible toilet for wheelchairs.

Parking is available in the church grounds but avoid parking on the area in front of the church hall as this is reserved as accessible PARKING.

Parking in the church grounds and at the front of the church hall.

To the side door of the church and the church hall

Effective in the area towards the back of the Nave

Large print Mass cards and newssheets available.

People with assistance dogs are welcome.

Carers and the ones being cared for are most welcome. Assistance can be provided if required.

Our Building

The church is open daily for private prayer. Please observe the protocols to maintain a Covid safe environment.

Music and Worship

Use by local choirs for occasional concerts.

Pipe and electric organ with regular organist at the main Sunday Mass, Feast days and Solemnities.

Choir practise 7pm each Wednesday, everyone welcome.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Theology at the Bar, the next session is on 8th July at S. Leonard's at 7pm. If you are unable to attend in person join by Zoom.

Meets every Wednesday at 5pm in S. Leonard's Church. Organised and run by the Parish Priest and the Children's, Family and Youth Worker which is a paid post for the Mission Partnership that we are part of.

Help for Visitors

Open for prayer and shelter early morning until evening.

Other Features

We actively support the local foodbank