Organ music in April, 2024

Voluntaries for April 2024

Easter 2, April 7

Also Divine Mercy Sunday – and so it is about fruits of the Resurrection, rather than solely the narratives. Thanksgiving is probably the best way to combine these aspects, so here is a Te Deum Laudamus verset by Guillaume Nivers, a 17th century French composer noted for his inventiveness and delicacy of line. There is gossip (still!) to the effect that he might even have become more famous than Couperin but for the influence of “contacts” at court.

Easter 3, April 14

Toccata from Suite Modale by Flor Peeters. Today we welcome Hugh Morris, Director of the RSCM and formerly Organist/Choirmaster of Derby Cathedral, to play for us whilst Fr Willett directs our choir. Hugh’s voluntary details will be in the Mass booklet. Hugh is a versatile musician with a string of qualifications, and lives with his family in Derbyshire, so is actually not that far away from us.

Easter 4, April 21

Good Shepherd Sunday; the day when if you are not careful nearly all music turns into Psalm 23; so, taking on board the early-church view that the Good Shepherd carries the exhausted sheep home, here is a little prelude by Brahms on a word-picture: My soul desires the lovely summer-time - that is, heaven – with its flowing accompaniment and carefree mood. He wrote this along with some other pieces when he knew he was not long for this earth.

Easter 5, April 28

Today’s Scripture does not lend itself readily to a linked-theme piece, so maybe it’s toccata-time? There was a request recently for that ?maybe? Bach Toccata in D minor (which a lot of people think was actually a violin piece and possibly by someone else!) so why not? Fr Mason played this when he depped in for me last year; you all loved it!