Sunday Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Christ Church
Nuthall Road Cinderhill Nottingham NG8 6AD, NG8 6AD, United Kingdom

Every Sunday at 10am we celebrate Holy Communion or Morning Worship.
Our style is traditional yet relaxed. All ages are welcome.
Worship is followed by coffee, a time to catch up with each other.

Coffee, Craft and Chat

Every Tuesday at for 2 hours
Christ Church
Nuthall Road Cinderhill Nottingham NG8 6AD, NG8 6AD, United Kingdom

Ever thought of having some 'me time?' Well, this is for you. An informal group where everyone can enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and have a chat. Bring a craft you enjoy: knitting, crochet, puzzle book, jigsaw puzzle, sketch book, a newspaper or magazine, anything you enjoy or just come for a chat. You will soon relax with this friendly group.

Mother's Union

Monthly. Every Third Tuesday at for 1 hour
Christ Church
Nuthall Road Cinderhill Nottingham NG8 6AD, NG8 6AD, United Kingdom

The Mother's Union is a recognised Church of England organisation, working globally with people of all faiths and none to develop communities, strengthen families and advocate for change.

Locally, we meet for prayer and fellowship. Our group is comprised of members from three churches: Christ Church Cinderhill, St Patrick's Nuthall and Holy Trinity Kimberley. We are known as the Three Crosses group.

Lunch Club

Monthly. Every Third Wednesday at for 2 hours
Christ Church
Nuthall Road Cinderhill Nottingham NG8 6AD, NG8 6AD, United Kingdom

We meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month, 12:30pm, to enjoy fellowship and a home-cooked meal.
If you are interested in joining us, get in touch for more details. Spaces are limited.

Morning Prayer

Every Thursday at for 50 mins
Christ Church
Nuthall Road Cinderhill Nottingham NG8 6AD, NG8 6AD, United Kingdom

A quiet, reflective time of worship with bible study.

Bluecoat Singers

Every Thursday at for 3 hours, 30 mins
Christ Church
Nuthall Road Cinderhill Nottingham NG8 6AD, NG8 6AD, United Kingdom

This respected, much-loved well known choir meet and rehearse at Christ Church on Thursday evenings.

Do you enjoy singing - have you ever thought about joining a choir? What about taking part in regular concerts?
Interested - Why not pop along and see if it's for you.
New members are always welcome.

Guide Trefoil

Monthly. Every First Monday at for 1 hour
Christ Church
Nuthall Road Cinderhill Nottingham NG8 6AD, NG8 6AD, United Kingdom

We are an adult section of the Guide Association.