Lighting Christ Church with Love

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In 2018 Christ Church held it's first light up with love this Mothering Sunday. With over 250 candles being lit for mums, grans, aunties, sisters in fact anyone who has been like a mum to us.

For the 4th year, we will again be lighting church with love on Mothering Sunday (27th March 2022)

Each candle costs £1.00 and all proceeds will go towards our sound and vision equipment that we installed last year.

Our Service on Mothering Sunday service starts and 10:30. We will be displaying the names of all who have had a candle lit for them.

To add a name to our list, either call into church on a Tuesday or Saturday during our coffee morning, go to our Mothering Sunday Page alternatively see our post on Facebook and donate there

You can also make your dontaion using your Smart Phone, just follow the below QR code and chose the amount you would like to donate