Christingle 2019

christmas Church_news

Christmas at Christ Church would not be the same without the annual Christingle Service.  Many feel that this is the start of Christmas, I know I do.

Christingle starts on the Friday evening, when our Children Society representative goes and collects the oranges and sweets.  It's always a guess on how many we need, this year she ordered 180 oranges.

Saturday we had a team of people making the christingles, so they are all ready to hand out, at the end of it, they had made 179 christingles, one orange was bad.

Sunday at 4pm was the start of our service, carols were sung, and this year for the 2nd year on the trot we have the Calypso Carol, may have to have little donkey next year.

This was our first Christingle Service following the completion of the lighting project, the lints were lit low.  People collected there christingles and we lit them all as the church lights were turned out, we then sang away in a manger by candlelight.

This is a wonderful service as you watch the children's faces, holding the light of christ in there hands.  This is why Christingle is special at Christ Church.</span>

Note for next year, maybe 200 christingles will be required!</span>