St John's Graveyard

There are a few things you need to know when using this page to find a grave.

This webpage is based on St John's graveyard record books and headstone inscriptions. 

 Bear in mind there is most likely to be some spelling mistakes as well as errors deciphering the records. For example is the name Mary or May. It's not always obvious which.  

The graves are not uniformly spaced and rows are not perfectly straight.

If going to the graveyard make a note from the records of the grave at the beginning of the row you want and also the graves around the one you want. Particularly note down graves with an inscription that are by the one you are looking for.  If the grave you are looking for does not have a headstone inscription then it will not have a headstone so noting the ones around it are vital to your investigation. 

The graveyard is split into 4 sections A, B, C and D as you will see if you look at the map.

Currently only sections A and C are available to view.

There are 6 PDF files you can view. First a  map of the graveyard showing the different areas. Next a file showing Burials in name order, then another showing burials in grave order. Then two maps showing the layout of sections A & C. Finally a file showing headstone inscriptions for section C 

I suggest you use the following system:

View the 'Burials in name order' to find the grave details. Get the section and grave reference.

You can then look at 'Burials in Grave order' to see who else is buried in the grave.

You can then look at the appropriate map to see where the grave is. 

A grave map references example of C.F.24 refers to section C row F grave 24 in the row.

Section A has had most of the headstones moved to the perimeter wall with few left in situ.  

Click the links below to see the PDF files.




MAP OF AREA A   (not to scale but shows approx where to find a grave)



If you spot any discrepancies please let us know.

Any enquiries to the Vicar Cathy Reardon. Contact details are on the homepage.