Church Yard

St Paul's has an extensive churchyard which was originally laid out in Victorian times and contains an interesting selection of Victorian and modern gravestones.

New Burials

Our churchyard is still open for new burials and the burial of cremated remains (ashes) - for more information please contact us via Facebook where the message inbox is regularly checked.

If you are considering having a loved one, or their ashes, interred in our churchyard you should be aware that there are restrictions on the type of headstone/memorial tablet that is allowed in the churchyard. Churchyards are covered by the Diocesan Churchyard regulations which are stricter than the regulations covering municipal cemeteries regarding headstones and memorial tablets. Certain types and colour of stone, designs and inscriptions are not allowed in churchyards under the Diocesan regulations so early advice should be sought. Click here to see a full copy of the Diocesan Churchyard Regulations.

Churchyard Enquiries

We welcome enquiries regarding people buried in the churchyard and we always to our best to help locate a grave. However our churchyard records are not complete and we cannot guarantee that we will be able to find a grave. Please contact us via Facebook for more information.

We currently have a project under way to catalogue all the graves in our churchyard but it is moving slowly as we only have a small numbers of volunteers working on it. If you would like to help us with this project please contact us via our Facebook page/

Friends of St Paul's Churchyard

We have set up a Friends of St Paul's Churchyard group for people who would like to support our work in the churchyard financially or by volunteering some of their time to help with maintaining the churchyard. Please contact Barbara Thornton on 07742 610668