The Prayer Course


St Peter's and St Paul's will be coming together to study "The Prayer Course", developed by Pete Greig of the 24/7 prayer initiative. This is an online course with handouts and discussions as well as time to put prayer into action. The initial proposal is for this to be done centrally in both Churches for the 8 weeks on three occasions each week, when groups will meet for around 75 minutes to follow the course. This would be Tuesday evenings and Wednesday mornings in St Peter's and Wednesday lunchtime at St Paul's. During the course the Wednesday morning session would replace the midweek communion service. Between May 9th and 19th there will be a break to engage with additional prayer events for Thy Kingdom Come".

If you are interested please sign up in church to indicate which session you will be attending The book "How to Pray" by Pete Greig is available as a companion to the course but is not a handbook for the course. A central order for the book may be made if there is demand.

The first sessions at St. Peter's will be on Tuesday April 16th at 7:30pm and Wednesday 17th at 10am. For further details on the course click here.