Preaching Plan April to May:

Notices Church_news

Preaching Plan April to May:

Life Together

As we prepare to relaunch our midweek small groups (Formation Groups), we will be looking at the characteristics of the early Church’s life together in Acts 2:38-47. Our hope is that these new Formation Groups will follow the fourfold pattern of opening God’s Word together, enjoying fellowship with one another, eating together, and praying with and for one another.

14th April: Devoted:

Acts 2:38-47

21st April: Teaching:

Acts 2:38-47; Matthew 5:17-20

28th April: Fellowship:

Acts 2:38-47; Acts 4:32-37

5th May: Breaking Bread:

Acts 2:38-47; Luke 24:13-35

12th May: Ascension: Prayer:

Acts 2:38-47; Philippians 4:4-9