Teams of no more than 6, £7 per head to include Ploughman's Supper (and puddings!)Please sign up either by calling Jan Shearing 07748756016, Steph Jones 07785237503 or sign the list in the Narthex. If you would like to bring a pudding or a raffle prize please also sign the notice in the Narthex.
Come and enjoy a chat with friends along with a drink and cake. Donations accepted.Cakes most welcome
Each Wednesday and Saturday - 8.30 am - Morning prayer in the ChapelSunday 6 October - 8.30 am - Holy Communion Led by Jill Kells - Communion Assistant Stephen Collyer 10am - Harvest Festival Worship for All - Led by Rev Jill Kells - Preacher - Rt Rev Jean Burgess Archdeacon of Bournemouth Followed by Bring & Share Lunch at 12 noon. Harvest gifts for the Basics Bank. Sunday 13 October - 10 am - Family Communion Led by Rev Jill Kells - Communion Assistant Jan BealSunday 20 October - 8.30 am - Holy Communion Led by Rev Jill Kells - Communion Assistant Sue Clarke 10 am - Family Communion - Led by Rev Jill Kells - Communion Assistant Jan ShearingSunday 27 October - 10am - Family Communion - Led by Rev Jill Kells - Communion Assistant Wendy Noble