
An invitation to give

All Saints’ church is a special place for many of us, whether we worship there on Sundays, visit the churchyard regularly, have good memories of family events held in the building or appreciate the involvement of the church in the community.

We want our church to be there to welcome and serve everyone but we need financial support to do this. Most of the costs of ministry, about £45,000 each year, are met by the giving of our church members. If you could give too, we would be very grateful.

If you would like to give a one-off donation to All Saints, you can do so here, through the CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) website. enter PCC of All Saints-Braishfield in search field. You can increase your gift by agreeing to add Gift Aid.

If you would like to make a regular donation, you can do so through the Parish Giving Scheme, a simple way of setting up regular donations by direct debit. The advantage to this scheme is that gift aid is automatically added if you choose, and the donor has an easy way of setting how much/how frequently they donate.

The website is and the link is :

Thank you!