Related Churches
St Martin Le Vieux
Welcome to the St Martin Le Vieux, or St Martin the Old! The people of St Martin have been worshipping in this Parish Church for over 1000 years and we welcome you to join us.
Whether you are visiting to look around the Church or visiting us for a service you will find a peaceful Anglican church seeking to reflect God's love into our local community and to provide a warm welcome to all age groups.
The church of St. Martin Le Vieux stands at the central crossroads of the parish, and is always close to the heart of community life. Doors are open from around 8.30am - 3.30pm every day.
Our worship is mainstream Anglican, with a deep appreciation of contemplative spirituality.
On a Sunday we meet together:
At 8am for a Quiet Communion, A simple, spoken service in the Lady Chapel, that lasts about 40 minutes.
At 10am for our Parish Communion, with hymns. Children are always welcome and can play, read and craft in the Children’s area.
On the last Sunday of each month, instead of Communion we hold our All Age Service, usually with a visit from Minty the Sheep.
As well as our regular Sunday services, we have a Healing Service on Wednesday's at 10.30am which draws on Celtic liturgies, and a monthly Julian Group with guided silence and meditation.
Our tranquil cemetery has a large prayer Labyrinth at its heart and all are welcome to come and find God’s peace there.
Children are always welcome in church. Every Monday in term time we run Smarteenies, a thriving baby and toddler group and our children’s area is well stocked with books, toys and activities.
You can find our most up to date news on our Facebook Page - Facebook
We look forward to seeing you.
St Andrew's
St Mark
Welcome to St Mark.
St John's Parish Church Jersey
Welcome to St. John's Parish Church, in the heart of St. John's village!
Church is open daily for private prayer. The 8.00am and 9.30am services will be livestreamed on Facebook and available to watch again on Facebook.
8am Traditional Holy Communion - a said service of Holy Communion weekly, using the Book of Common Prayer in Church and on Facebook live.
9.30am Contemporary Holy Communion with bible readings, talk, prayers, hymns and songs, in Church and on Facebook live.
Both services in Church and on Facebook livestream
First Sunday of the month: Little Oaks Sunday Club during the 9.30am service. For children aged 3 - 11 years. The children begin in church, then go out during the first hymn to the Vestry for bible stories, games and crafts.
St Ouen
St George's
Town Church (Parish Church of St Helier)
Welcome to Town Church in the centre of St Helier, Jersey.
For up to date information please go to our website
St Peter's
Welcome to St Peter's
A very warm welcome to St Peter's Parish Church, Jersey, a church that has stood on this site for some 1000 years witnessing to the local community. You are very welcome to join us for any of our services, to use the church for private prayer or meditation or indeed just to wander around.
We are an inclusive church with a Eucharistic tradition. We welcome people of all backgrounds and traditions. Our work at the heart of the community includes very strong outreach to children and schools within the Parish including St Peter's Primary and St George's Prep. We also run adult study groups at various times throughout the year. We look forward to welcoming you in the near future.
Please visit our website for more information about what we are doing at St Peter's
or why not find us on Facebook:
St Peter's, with the Deanery of Jersey, is fully committed to safeguarding children and adults in its community and to the implementation of the Jersey Deanery Child and Adult Protection Policy as drawn up with the Diocese of Canterbury.
We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer(s), PSOs. The Diocese of Canterbury’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our PSOs. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services."
To see the Diocesan Policy, please visit:
St Peter's Safeguarding policy is reviewed annually.
Contact our safeguarding officer, Sue Jones, by emailing [email protected]
For our Privacy and Data Protection Policies, please click here:
Coronavirus Update:Whilst restrictions related to the recent pandemic have been eased, at St Peter's we are still observing some of them to ensure that our congregation remain safe. Worship is now in church as before but some social distancing is in place, the doors will remain open to ensure fresh air flow and masks are encouraged if you wish to wear one.
St Clement's Church Jersey
We are an Anglican church and, along with our daughter church of St Nicholas, serve St Clement, a parish in the south-east corner of the Channel Island of Jersey. You will find information about our life and mission on our website, including the charitable work we are involved in, in Jersey and elsewhere.
We are committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer(s), PSOs. The Diocese of Salisbury's safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our PSOs. You can find full details on our website. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services.
St. Paul's Church, Jersey
St Saviour's Parish Church, Jersey
Welcome to St Saviour's Parish Church. We are a welcoming community and our worship is probably best described as 'classically Anglican'. We have a strong choral tradition, so our main service at 9:45 is usually a Sung Eucharist. There is a traditional Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion service, which is said (no music!) at 8 o'clock. A number of groups use the church building during the week and we encourage anyone to pop in and appreciate one of the most beautiful churches in Jersey. We are part of a diverse community in this busy, high-profile parish. Here is some information about that parish we all feel called passionately to serve:
The Parish of St Saviour is the second most populated parish in Jersey, with some 13,000 parishioners. The Parish is bounded on the south by St Clement, by Grouville on the east, Trinity on the north and St Helier on the west. The Parish is split into 6 sections called Vingtaines, the church being obviously located in Sous L’Eglise, Petite Longueville which strangely is larger than the Vingtaine of Grande Longueville, Pigneaux, Sous La Hougue and Maufant.
The parish of St Saviour is notable for its diminutive slice of coastline; most of it is actually taken up by The White Horse public house. The north of the Parish is more rural with many large herds of the famous Jersey cow. The village life is centred around Maufant which has a garage, small supermarket, and youth centre. The southern end of the Parish, which is mainly Grande and Petite Longueville, is quite densely populated and is home to a trading estate, Waitrose supermarket, Longueville Manor Hotel (Relais & Châteaux hotel), St Luke’s Church, which is independent of the Parish Church, and Georgetown Methodist Church with which the Parish Church has had close relations in recent years. There is also Howard Davis Park which boasts beautifully manicured gardens and is often used for large music events for top UK artists.
Over half the schools on the island are in the Parish, both state-run and private. Several of the schools have close links to the Church both through involvement with family and special services on Sundays and through the Rector of the Parish being welcomed to take assemblies and classes. There are particularly close links with the nearest state primary school, our namesake school, of St Saviour.
St Aubin
All Saints
Welcome to All Saints
Grouville Parish Church
Welcome to Grouville Parish Church. We are a small and friendly church with a mix of traditional and contemporary services and events for all the family which aim to share the love and light of Jesus into our parish. Our vision is to follow Jesus by worshipping God, loving one another and serving our community.
St Nicholas Grève d'Azette
Welcome to St Nicholas Church. St Nicholas is situated on the coast road at Grève d’Azette and is the daughter church of St Clement’s Parish Church. St Nicholas is home to a friendly congregation who meet every Sunday throughout the year at 9h00 for a service of Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer, followed by tea and coffee. The services are usually said, with singing at the festivals of Christmas, Easter and Harvest.
With St Clement, we are committed to the safeguarding of all. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer(s), PSOs. The Diocese of Salisbury's safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our PSOs. If you are concerned that anyone has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services.
Communicare Chapel
St Peter La Rocque
Welcome to St Peter La Rocque, the daughter chapel of Grouville Parish Church, sometimes known as Fishermen's Chapel.</span>
We are committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and the Jersey Deanery Child and Adult Protection Policy and have our own church Safeguarding Officer. The Diocese of Canterbury safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA). If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services.
Holy Trinity
Welcome to Holy Trinity.
St Martin de Gouray
Welcome to St Martin de Gouray.
St Lawrence
Welcome to St Lawrence.
St Mary’s Church Jersey Channel Islands
In June 2023 we welcomed Rev Kirsty Allan as our Rector. You can read more about Kirsty in 'News and Notices'.
St Mary's is a welcoming and friendly church family and we look forward to meeting you.
St Matthew
Welcome to St Matthew.
St Luke's
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