
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Sarah Northall - Vicar
074 838 074 32
Phillip Howell - Licensed Lay Minister
07508 883 695

Getting here

St Wulstan’s Church aims to be a place of welcome for all who
come. "All are welcome,none are excluded"

The People of St Wulstan’s want to be...
...people who learn from one another
...a fellowship of different ages together
...a group in which young people feel comfortable
...communicating with our whole estate
...a community which celebrates diversity
...ever more united, but without uniformity!
... ready to share ideas with other churches
...risk takers
...forward moving
...relating our church life to everyday living
...listening to people both inside and outside the churches

The communion service was first celebrated on the Warndon
Estate on a kitchen table in Patterdale Drive in the summer of
1962. That marked the begining of the life of the Church
of England here, and as the estate grew, a Sunday School was
set up in the local school and the present Church building on
Cranham Drive was dedicated for worship on St Wulstan’s Day,
19th January, 1963, and so St Wulstan’s Church was born.

You are welcome here at St Wulstan’s
regardless of colour, race, physical ability, culture, gender, age,
marital status or sexual orientation

Cranham Drive

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