Saint George's Day - 23rd April


Very little is known about St. George’s life, but it is thought he was a high ranking officer in the Roman army who was killed in around AD 303.

St George was believed to have been tortured because of his faith in Christ.

Nine things you didn’t know about St George!

Think of St George and you're probably picturing a heroic knight slaying a ferocious, fire-breathing dragon. As the country's patron saint, today St George's story is as iconic as his white and red flag. But like many early saints, the exact details of his life remain a mystery. Here, we separate fact from fiction to try to get closer to the truth behind the legend of St George.

A Prayer:

God of hosts, who so kindled the flame of love

in the heart of your servant George

that he bore witness to the risen Lord

by his life and by his death:

give us the same faith and power of love

that we who rejoice in his triumphs

may come to share with him the fullness of the resurrection;

through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

who is alive and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever.
