Coffee Morning

Monthly. Every Third Saturday at for 2 hours
St Mary's, Carlton, North Yorkshire
High Street Carlton Goole, DN14 9NX, United Kingdom

Have you just moved into the neighbourhood and want to know more about your community? Feeling a bit lonely and want to come and meet new people, have a chat and a coffee? We'd love to welcome you to our monthly coffee morning - we serve tea too - from 10am to 12 noon. So why not call in and say hello?

Baptism Services

Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's, Carlton, North Yorkshire
High Street Carlton Goole, DN14 9NX, United Kingdom

Once a month we have a special service to welcome local families for baptism and/or take a break from our normal pattern to use a Morning prayer format. On these Sundays we also offer Holy Communion at Drax Church at 9.30am

Singing Group

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour
St Mary's, Carlton, North Yorkshire
High Street Carlton Goole, DN14 9NX, United Kingdom

Channel your inner Diva and join our weekly singing group. You don't have to be an expert to join, just have lots of enthusiasm and a love for traditional and modern music. Kath Backhouse - our very own Simon Cowell - is a singing and piano coach who can help boost your confidence, improve your vocals and who knows, maybe even help you find your X Factor! It is at 9.45am, every Tuesday, at St Mary's Church, Carlton. Cost £3.

Little Monkeys

Every Thursday at for 2 hours
St Mary's, Carlton, North Yorkshire
High Street Carlton Goole, DN14 9NX, United Kingdom

A group for parents and pre-school toddlers with fun and activities. All welcome.

Term-time only

Messy Church

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's, Carlton, North Yorkshire
High Street Carlton Goole, DN14 9NX, United Kingdom

Join us for our monthly family friendly service from 9.30am on the 1st Sunday of the month. We have fun, we find things out and we have food together! All ages welcome.

Holy Communion

Every Second, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's, Carlton, North Yorkshire
High Street Carlton Goole, DN14 9NX, United Kingdom

Join us for a Common Worship Service of Holy Communion at the new time of 9.30am followed by tea, coffee and time to chat

We meet as a single parish with Carlton and Drax churches and offer Baptism services or service of the word on the 4th Sunday, when we have Communion at Drax. On 5th Sundays we also meet at Drax