Little Lights - Meet and chat to return?

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We looking to restart our family friendly fun gatherings at St. John's church.  We would like as much feedback as possible on day and times. So far the main suggestions are either Tuesday or Friday morning from about 10:30am for about two hours. 
There is a toilet with baby changer and a safe play area with toys and colouring books. The toy area is accessible Monday - Saturday from 10am - 4pm as the church is open for all the community. If you are a parent/carer/guardian of children within the age group then we would love to hear from you and your friends. All are welcome. The church has a strict policy on safeguarding ( which is available on this site to read) and it will be mandatory for helpers to have completed the relevant safeguarding requirements. If you have any questions please use the contact option, leave a note in church for the youth team or come and join us for one of our family services held on the second and fourth Sundays each month. 
Please ask for Andrea, Lucy or Graham.