About Us

The present building dates from the thirteenth century  and is remote from most of the parish, but aerial photographs show evidence of a medieval village on the high ground immediately behind the church, and an earlier building on this site could well have served a more closely knit community from Saxon times.

The oldest feature is the octagonal font. In 1883 an extensive restoration was begun.

The nave has a single hammerbeam roof with arched braces and kingposts.

At the back of the church hangs the original flag from the 493rd  U S A Bombardment Group Headquarters which was at Clopton/Debach airfield during the Second World War. The memorial board beneath it lists the names of over two hundred men from this group who were killed in action.

www.suffolkchurches.co.uk contains information and photographs about the church.

This is a country church which is much loved by the small congregation. You are assured of a very warm welcome if you join us for a service.

Churchwardens;  Mrs Doris Main             01473 737602

Priest: Rev'd Mark Cresswell