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01377 219471

Getting here


Kilnwick is a quiet, peaceful village, set on the edge of the Yorkshire Wolds. It has a population of about 250 people, and is mainly a dormitory village for people who work in the nearby towns and cities. It has a wide spread of age groups from young families to those lucky enough to be retired. It is surrounded by arable fields and woodlands providing the backdrop for some of the best walks in the county (including part of the Minster Way).



A)        Services and Worship: at the present time we have one service every Sunday. We try to provide a varied pattern of services to cater for different tastes. We therefore have both modern and Book of Common Prayer services. Holy Communion is usually Common Worship but occasionally BCP and evensong is always traditional. Morning Prayer is usually in modern format and we have an afternoon family service which is very informal. At Easter and Christmas we usually use modern language services. We also have every two to three months a Friendship Feast or parish lunch in the village hall. The congregation is dynamic in its involvement with the church, and there are many people who are willing to do things for the church, although not regular church attenders.


B)        Relationship with benefice: we try to foster close relationships with the other parishes in our benefice, taking part in benefice services on 5th Sundays, in the benefice choir, benefice meetings and other activities such as the Coffee Break Praise and discussion groups.


C)        Finance: 94% of our unrestricted income is from voluntary giving with 45 people contributing to our funding programme. Most of these donations are gift aided and together with fees and a small amount of investment income cover our ordinary costs. We have always contributed to Diocesan Costs. Fund raising, which takes the form of social events, is principally in support of fabric repairs.


D)        School: in our parish, the majority of primary school children attend the C of E school at Beswick, though some attend Lockington school.  Nearly all secondary school children attend Driffield School although there are some who attend fee paying schools in the area.


E)        Interaction of Church & Community: because of the lack of facilities and services in the village, the church has played a leading role in the social life of the village. The village hall is owned by the church, although leased to a Village Hall Committee. We make use of the church building itself for various community activities, such as flower festivals andconcerts.


F) Other Information: The current electoral roll is 40, and the average church attendance in 2015 was 15. We have 4 PCC meetings each year and have 10 PCC members including the vicar. Visitors to the church who are offered a free leaflet about the history of the church, last year averaged 4 per month, and included overseas visitors and people from outside the county. Special services last year included Harvest Festival (with a free supper in the village hall after the service), Remembrance Sunday, Carols by Candlelight, a Christingle Service (led by a Church Warden) and a Good Friday Family service. All these services were well attended. There were 2 baptisms and 3 funerals last year but no weddings. We have an outlying piece of land known as Amen Field which we are developing into a small Christmas tree plantation.

Church Lane
YO25 9JW

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