St Hilda's Church Westcliff

Ninth Sunday after Trinity 28th July

9.30am Eucharist at St Hilda’s

11.15am Eucharist at St John’s

11.15am Eucharist at St Mary’s

Tuesday 10.00am Eucharist at St Hilda’s

Thursday 10.00am Eucharist at St John’s

Friday 10.00am Morning Prayer at St Hilda’s

2.00pm Celtic Prayer during the Day at St Hilda’s

Saturday 10.30am Eucharist at St Mary’s

Tenth Sunday after Trinity 4th August

9.30am Eucharist at St Hilda’s

11.15am Eucharist at St John’s

11.15am Morning Prayer at St Mary’s

6.00pm Choral Evensong at St Hilda’s 

Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer is normally said on Zoom at 5pm on most weekdays and 6pm on Saturday and available on Facebook afterwards For a link to the Zoom services and Bible study please email Fr Michael

Evening Prayer

will be said on Zoom on most days at 5pm and available on Facebook afterwards, and at 6pm on Saturday and Sunday 

For a link to the Zoom services and Bible study please email [email protected]

Parish Face book page is

Parish website

For more information contact

Fr Michael Gobbett , Tel: 01947 602590 email; [email protected]

Get in touch

Whitby Parish Office

Whitby Mission & Seafarers' Centre
North Yorkshire
YO21 3PP

What's on

Sung Eucharist

Every Second, Third, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Hilda's Church Westcliff
Church Square Whitby, YO21 3EG, United Kingdom

Common Worship Order 1
Choir, Hymns, Anthems and Sermon