
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Getting here

We are a community of people creating and birthing a new way of being church. 

While holding true to being CofE we are inclusive and creative and seek to serve our community.

We are members of Inclusive Church


We get together at a variety of times:

On Sundays we meet at 18:01 (6.01pm) in The Prayer Space (, for a contemplative service.

On Wednesdays we currently meet in The Vicarage (37 Becquerel Court) to eat drink and chat and pray about things that matter

On Friday morning at 800am in The Vicarage (37 Becquerel Court) we have morning prayer followed by croissants and pastries at about 8:20am

Pub Theo is a chance to drink and talk in the pub about life, the world, theology and the universe .... keep an eye on this space for thenext one


For other events please see the website at


The Prayer Space
Chandlers Avenue
SE10 0GF

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