
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Emma Wilson | Cafe Manager
07946 308790
Hannah Merrett | Church Administrator
01452 524173

Getting here

St Hilda's Hall was completed in the summer of 2011. It is easily accessible and includes a large main hall, kitchen, toiles including disabled access, and under-floor heating throughout.

St Hilda's lunch club meet Tuesday and Wednesday each week and is home to a welcoming community of regulars, new-comers, and occasional visitors. It may be possible to arrange transport.

A worshipping community meets at Thursday morning at 10:45am for Eucharist service and on the last Sunday of every month, an informal Parish Eucharist service is held at the hall. 

The hall is available for bookings.

Please call 01452 300388 for details.

St Hilda's Court, Redwell Rd

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