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Sedately and idyllically set to the south of its pretty estate village, near the great gates of Orwell Park, its cream-coloured rendered walls blend with the lush greens of  its delightful surroundings. 

The chancel has work of the late 1100s, the nave and (long-time truncated) tower of the 1300s and 1400s, the south chapel was added in 1870 and the north aisle in 1906-8.

Inside we enjoy curious things like the ‘weeping’ chancel and how one gets to the tower staircase. Mediaeval survivals include the re-cut East Anglian font, the piscina and niches in the nave, the Passion shield in stained glass and the door by which we’ve entered. Above all, we have amazing craftsmanship of 1906-8, and richly-coloured stained glass.  

Known locally as the “Admirals’ Church”, St Martins houses the Family crypts and memorials to both Admiral Broke and Admiral Vernon. Edward Vernon Of Orwell Park was famous for sea campaigns against the French and Spanish in the mid-18thcentury and was known as “Old Grog” who watered down the rum ration to sailors. Philip Broke of Broke Hall commanded HMS Shannon, defeating and capturing USS Chesapeake in the American War of 1812.